Thursday, September 08, 2005


In Seth Godin's new ebook, "Who's There", he talks about the amount of "Noise" there is in society. Examples of the "Noise" we face every day is:

80,000 new blogs every day
19 flavors of Oreos
172 professional sports teams in the United States
17,000,000 podcasts

What if we were transported back in time when there were just 3 television networks, 3 car companies, 2 kinds of laundry detergent, etc. you might go crazy because it seems so "Quiet".

This past weekend we went to visit Shelley's mother in Oklahoma and this is an area where there are only 2 television stations, dirt roads, no high speed internet, and there aren't even stop signs at intersections.

It was very "Quiet" but I did find myself looking for that distraction from the "Noise". I think I need to spend more time in "Quiet" environments.


Shelley said...

Quiet is a beautiful thing. I think it would be beneficial to take advantage of it more often.

Anonymous said...

Jeff, even though I favor 3 of the 4 noises in the list, I pray as the technology gap closes (no longer 'NEW' to society) so will it become 'slower' in the sense that you'll only care to see 10 blogs, eat 3 flavors of Oreos, watch 4 sport teams and hear 2-10 podcast weekly (depending on the lengths) - Maybe that's still too fast but, managable. - Arlan

tonymyles said...

The hardest time to be quiet is when you want to...

The best time is when you least expect it...