Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving so I thought I would make a list of a few things I am thankful for.

1. God sent Jesus to die on the cross for my sins.
2. Shelley
3. Seth and Chase
4. The fact that we all have our health.
5. For the roof over our head and the food on our table.
6. For my mother being here on Thanksgiving.
7. For Shelley's mom and the fact she just had the boys for 4 days.
8. The financial security we currently enjoy.
9. God is bringing change into my life.
10. That when both of our cars got flats these past two days that it didn't leave any of us stranded.
11. Fellowship Church
12. This awesome country we live in and the fact that I was blessed to be born here.
13. The soldiers that have fought and died for our freedom and the ones currently fighting and protecting our freedoms.

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