This morning I got to test the theory that having a Concealed Handgun License (CHL) can help you get out of traffic tickets. There isn't proof of this except for anecdotal evidence but it does seem reasonable. When a police officer pulls you over and runs your plates, in the state of Texas he is notified instantly that the vehicle is registered to a CHL holder. He then knows that there is the possibility of a firearm being in the vehicle but he also knows that I am not one of the bad guys. He knows that I haven't
1. Been convicted of a felony
2. Currently charged in committing a Class A or Class B misdemeanor
3. In the last 5 years I have not been convicted of Class A or Class B misdemeanor.
4. I am not currently delinquent on child support or student loans.
5. I do not have any past due taxes.
6. I am currently not restricted by a court ordered restraining order.
He also knows I have been through FBI and state background checks so he has a good idea that I am a decent person.
This morning at 4:30 am I was on my way home from the gym when I failed to signal at a stop sign and instantly I saw the lights on his police car turn on. I quickly pulled over, turned on my dome light so he could easily see into the vehicle, got my license and chl ready and kept my hands in clear view.
He came to my window, informed me why I had been pulled over and asked for my insurance. I had not gotten that out yet because it is in my glove box and I didn't want him to see me rooting around in my glove box. When I pulled out my insurance I realized I had committed a 2nd violation. My insurance card had expired four and half hours earlier and I had not replaced it with the current one. Either he didn't notice or didn't care because he thanked me for my time, asked that I be careful in the future and sent me on my way.
Did the CHL help? Maybe, maybe not. I'm sure he was just checking to see if I had been drinking because why else would I be out at 4:30 am? Most reasonable people aren't on their way home from the gym at that hour are they? So, upon realizing I wasn't drunk he may have sent me on my way anyway but I'm sure the CHL didn't hurt things.