Sunday, May 31, 2009

My Kindergartner (or soon to be former Kindergartner)

This past Friday was Seth's Kindergarten year end program.

It started off as each student went on stage and said what they liked about Kindergarten. I watched Seth through the video camera and was just taken by how grown up he looked. He approached the mike and said his favorite part was their play "How Does Your Garden Grow?"

They then all sang as a group, and since Shelley was able to get there early, we sat close enough that I could distinguish his voice from all the other kids. I sat there and listened and could hear the slight lisp that he has since he had just lost his second tooth that morning.

A slide show ran that captured all the pictures from the year. I looked through the crowd and at all the teachers and tears were running down everyone's face.

Our babies weren't babies anymore.

I love you and you will always be my baby.


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