Saturday, August 05, 2006

Make a Better Choice

In our house Shelley and I believe in letting the boys make choices and learning that they must suffer the consequences of their choices. You will often hear us saying "Seth/Chase make a better choice." or "Seth/Chase choose something different." Well, to all of the "Pro-Choice" people, I just say "Please, make a better choice."

I have watched and re-watched the Elisabeth Hasselbeck video and I just don't understand the argument of Pro-Choicers. "It's the woman's body and she ought to be able to choose what she does with it." Well, she made a poor choice when she "chose" to have sex and now she must deal with the consequences. The little baby she created with her choice had no choice in the matter and it is he/she that we need to protect.

Oh, I know, "what about the 12 year old incest victim?" they will ask. Yes, that is an unfortunate situation but rape and incest only account for 1% of the reasons why woman have an abortion. My view is that the baby's life needs to be protected and allowed to be born and put up for adoption. While at the same time counseling and ministering to the victim. I don't see how taking the baby's life improves the chances of the victim of having a normal life, I just don't.

Here are some statistics.

40 million abortions since 1973
1% of those were because of rape or incest.
80% of abortions are by woman over the age of 20.
25% want to postpone childbearing
21% can't afford a baby
11% because the baby will disrupt job or education
14% partner doesn't want the baby

When they list leading causes of death, they don't include abortion. In 2003, the published leading cause of death was heart disease which accounted for 684,000 deaths. It is estimated that in 2003 there were 1.3 million abortions.

All I can say is we need to start making better choices.

1 comment:

Jeff Dowdle said...

I can't think of a better argument against allowing a "choice".