Sunday, October 26, 2008

I might be becoming an Apple man

There are a lot of great rivalries in this world. Chevy vs. Ford, Coke vs. Pepsi, OU vs. Texas, Cowboys vs. Redskins, Democrat vs. Republicans are some examples. And usually no matter what side you fall on you seldom switch sides. Well, another great rivalry is Microsoft vs. Apple and I have always been a PC guy and I never really got what all this Apple talk was about.

But, then something happened. I bought an Apple product, the IPhone. I have been really impressed with its functionality, dependability and overall design. Another thing I have been struggling with is finding a browser I like. I've tried IE, Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome. I have had issues with each of them and so I finally tried Apple Safari and so far it has been the best of all of them.

So, now I am starting to drink a little of the Apple Kool Aid and I think the next time I am in the market for a new computer, I just might cross over and buy an Apple.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go for it. I have been chugging the Kool Aid for almost two years now and loving it.