Thursday, July 29, 2010

Black Eye

Last night while the boys were at VBS I got a text from Chase's VBS teacher that said:

"Chase got a booboo but he's laughing & smiling. Want me to send ya a pic?"

I replied "No that is ok. Thanks!" figuring it wasn't that big of deal.

She replied - "OK. Got bumped in the face & his glasses cut his cheek. But he's tough! :-)"

Well, when we saw him I was taken a little bit back and I know Shelley was because he had a nice little gash in his cheek under his eye.

I am not sure what it will look like this morning but we prepared him that he might have a black eye. We then had to explain that a "black eye" was just a bruise around the eye and his eye wouldn't be black.

I'll post a picture when I get one.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

I had started a post about this, but since you did, I won't publish. Funny that you should use the word "gash" because that is the word I chose to describe it as well.

It won't be much of a picture, though. That ointment I put on it last night and this morning has the gash looking more like a scratch today. No serious bruising.