Monday, December 06, 2010

Is Santa Real?

Shelley and I made a decision early on that we wouldn't lie to our kids and that included topics such as Santa Claus. We explained that Santa was just a character like the Easter Bunny. This caused us to take some grief from other adults but the boys seemed fine. Christmas still seemed to contain all the joy and excitement.

But, as Seth has gotten older, he has struggled with being one of the few in his class that doesn't believe in Santa. He doesn't like being different.

Yesterday, he told me he wanted to put cookies out for Santa this year to determine if Santa was real or not. If the cookies get eaten, then Santa is real, was his reasoning.

I asked him, "You don't trust Mommy and Daddy?"

He replied, "I just want to prove it myself."

Well, there you go.

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