Monday, January 23, 2012

Chase Rides His Bike

Yesterday I took Chase out to try and learn to ride his bike. It was going to be a nice day and we haven't given it a try in quite sometime so I thought it would be a good time to try. This was something Chase did not want to do. He has had a considerable amount of fear regarding this and I have had to practically force him to do it. He really was afraid of getting hurt so our past efforts were always very brief.

I knew that if he would ever give it much effort he would be able to do it because he was really close.

So, when I brought up what I wanted to do, he started to cry. He really did not want to go. I finally convinced him but he continued to negotiate. We were only going to try two times but I didn't give in to his demands.

Out we go with helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and gloves all protecting his vulnerable parts. I pushed him around a few times with him demanding that I don't let him go. Then Shelley took over and pushed him around just to give him a feel. Shelley went in so it just left the two of us out there. I pushed him and let go and he took off and went at least 20 feet on his in own. I was far more excited than he was because I'm sure he realized that I wasn't going to stop now that he had done so well. I sent him in to get Shelley and with her watching he rode his bike right to her. Again, Shelley and I were far more excited. He just wanted to get off and go inside to get the cookies Shelley promised to bake if he would just try.

But, he can now ride his bike.

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