Monday, March 31, 2008

My Kid's Will Never Act Like That

I wish I had a $1 for every time I said "My kid's will never act like that" and I also wish I had a $1 for every time they did.

This weekend was one of those occasions. The boys and I headed out Saturday to run a few errands. Usually, there is nothing I enjoy more than me and the boys running around doing things together, not this time.

Our first stop was the post office where I needed to mail a package. While I was at the counter, my attention was distracted from them for a few minutes and when I turned around I found them in the middle of the post office floor wrestling. Disgusted, I pulled them both up, marched them out and then gave them the required lecture telling that they don't behave like that in public.

Next stop, the barbershop where Seth and I both needed to get our haircut. (Chase already had his done a few days earlier). Being a Saturday afternoon it was really busy. Seth ended up getting his done before me so that left both boys waiting while I got my hair cut. Before, I got in the chair, I gave them another lecture that they needed to keep their bobos (our word for butts) on the bench and to have good behavior.

As soon as I was in the chair, round 2 of the WWF match started. Over the 20 minutes, I was getting my haircut, I yelled at them, pointed at them, gave them the "stare" and all had the same result. It would generate a pause in the action for a few minutes but some chemical in their brains would kick in and they couldn't stop themselves. At one point, Chase almost had Seth's shirt completely removed.

I'm sure there was at least one father-to-be saying to himself "my kids will never act like that." He'll learn...

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