Thursday, September 22, 2005


Fellowship is in the middle of presenting a message series on adultery called Love Affair. It has already had an impact on me but not because I ever had an affair or even contemplated it but quite the opposite. I always told Shelley that one thing she never had to worry about was me having an affair. Well, when Ed started the series he said if you are one of those people who have said they you wouldn't ever commit adultery then this message is for you.

The reason for this statement is because no one is immune to adultery, it could happen to anyone and if you aren't protecting your marriage from it because you don't think it can happen, then you are susceptible to it. The only way prevent it is to realize it can happen and then building a wall of protection around your marriage.

Also, current stats indicate that 80% of all marriages will be a victim of an affair at some time. Eighty percent!!! This again shows how it can happen to anyone.

I can't do it justice so I encourage you to either go to Fellowship or watch the messages online at

Also, they did a very touching song that when you listen to the words, it really makes the pain of adultery real. You can watch it here. One note, the girl singing is whose pictures are being shown but her husband didn't cheat on her, they just volunteered their photos for video.

1 comment:

sherry said...

nice blog will take your advice,check mines