Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Government Assistance and Kids

Shelley wrote this post on her blog and one of the topics she addressed was government assistance, the abuses of the system and this being one reason she is a conservative. In the comments people expressed support for government assistance for the sake of kids and protecting those that can't protect themselves. I am all for protecting our children, there is no greater calling in my opinion. But, I don't see government assistance being the answer.

But, take the example of an 20 year old who had grown up in a household that was supported primarily through government program. He is now living in a household that isn't on government assistance and when he sits down and eats an entire bag of chips in one sitting and then asks for more and is told that those chips were intended for the whole family and were to last the week and they can't afford to buy anymore. His response is something to the affect "Why can't you go to the government and get more money?" How can the creation of this kind of attitude be good? The cycle just continues...

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