Monday, June 25, 2007

Blue Eggs

On Father's Day weekend Pace Hartfield, our worship pastor, gave a message entitled The Blue Egg. This message was about how to worship but not just worshiping at church but through your daily life.

The blue egg was derived from some special value that was placed on finding the blue egg this past Easter at his house. The essence of the message is that God strategically places blue eggs for us to find through our daily life. When we find the blue egg we need to take time to experience it and then we need to acknowledge it to God. The steps are that we need to be Aware that Blue Eggs exist and to seek them out. We then need to Experience the Blue Egg when we find it and finally we need to Praise God for the Blue Egg.

This has changed how I am experiencing life. This past weekend I had several Blue Egg moments.

One was as I was mowing the yard, I looked up to see Chase mowing the yard with his toy mower. It touched me that he wanted to be like me.

Another was listening to Chase and Seth sing along with Martina McBride's song "Anyway." If you haven't heard it, it is a very beautiful song and even sounds better when my boys sing it.

1 comment:

mommyofangels said...

So funny that you mentioned that song.. I was scheduled to sing it as a special, but passed it along to someone else to sing.. I ended up singing Blessed Assurance