Friday, September 07, 2007

Musings of a business traveller

Yesterday I had to travel on business and thankfully I don't have to do that very much. I'm glad I don't have to travel much and because of that I haven't become desensitized to the craziness of all of it.

As I sat there on the plane watching everyone board, I realized we are all just playing dress up. Everyone was dressed in their slacks, shirts, ties, skirts and suits and were trying to look like they were important. Why do we feel that the only way to be credible is to dress up? I know if I polled everyone on that plane they all would have been wearing jeans, shorts and even sweats.

Then there are the toys. Everyone was tapping on their laptop, texting with their Blackberry and talking on a cell phone. The guy sitting next to me was working on a spreadsheet titled "Market Segments - Monthly Forecast." What does that mean and how boring does it sound?

I think we all take what we do way to seriously and everyone needs to lighten up and spend a little less time trying to make themeselves look important.

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