Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Dressy Christmas

One of the organizations that Seth is involved in is having a Christmas show that Seth is singing in and when we got the instructions it said that the dress was "Dressy Christmas."

What does "Dressy Christmas" mean and especially what does it mean for a 4 year old?

I hate dress code designations like this and if this was my event, I would find some excuse not to go just so I wouldn't have to worry if what I was wearing is "Dressy Christmas." But, it isn't so I decided to go on a search to discover what "Dressy Christmas" means.

I've searched Google, Wikipedia, dictionary.com, the urban dictionary and several other sources with no luck. I still don't have any idea what "dressy Christmas" is.

Note: If I was President I would create a National Dress Code, jeans and sweatshirts. If found deviating from said dress code you could be subject to a fine. That is my solution to solving the world's problems.

1 comment:

Bob's Blog said...

and Crocks?