Friday, January 25, 2008

Neti Pot

A new craze has hit our house and it is the Neti Pot. Have you heard of it before? I hadn't until Shelley brought this little thing into our house. I hadn't heard of nasal irrigation either but it apparently is quite common and beneficial.

Our entire house has been congested for the last week and Shelley was just looking for some type of relief so enter the Neti Pot.

She likes it but more surprising the boys like it and are eager to use the Neti Pot. This is where I see the most benefit. When you have 2 little boys who haven't quite mastered the art of blowing their nose, this is a good way to clean it out. The first time I saw the Neti Pot in action was when Seth used it and a whole bunch of green stuff came flowing out of his nose. I knew we would have never gotten him to blow out all of that stuff.

I was the last hold out on using the Neti Pot until last night. Seth asked why I hadn't used it and I told him I was scared. Seth, the brave, said "It's just water Daddy, it doesn't hurt."

Well, it doesn't hurt but it was a strange sensation. It almost felt like I was being drowned from the inside out but Seth was right, it didn't hurt.

If you have sinus problems, give it a shot. It might just help.

1 comment:

mommyofangels said...

Just sent Eddie to the store to get one.... the girls have had nasal problems since the weekend... I sure hope it works.