Friday, September 19, 2008


I didn't grow up going to church. In fact, I don't remember ever going to church with my family.

Now, fast forward 30 years. On any given week my boys are stepping in at least 3 churches and possibly 4.

We are members and attend almost every week a very influential "megachurch." We are involved as well and are often up there on other days as well. Our youngest attends a pre-school run by a small Church of Christ church, both boys go to a large Southern Baptist church each week and participate in their Awanas program, and on the weekends either we or the boys are visiting Shelley's mom, we will attend a small Southern Baptist church in Oklahoma. In each of these churches there are people we care very much for but more importantly their are many people that love and care for our boys.

No matter which church we are in and they are all quite different, our boys are always running, playing and laughing. They love it there. My heart is always warmed by watching them and I just think back and wonder "what if?"

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