Tuesday, September 30, 2008


We have had a problem recently with the boys hitting each other. When you have a 5 year old and a 3 year old, some fighting is expected but it seemed to reach a new level recently. So, we put in place a new rule. If you hit your brother you will not get to watch TV for a week. Now, a week is a long time but it has proven to be a deterrent. We have had to bring in the no TV rule twice, once for Chase and once for Seth but we have only had to do it for a day to see results.

Last night was Seth's first offense under the new rule and he knew he had made a mistake before he had even finished the act and he was was truly sorry.

In a show of solidarity none of us watch TV last night and we had a really good time. We have made a commitment that at least once a week we will have a no tv night.

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