Friday, June 27, 2008

The Swimmer

There are a lot of things I love about being a father but one thing I really love is watching my boys learn and discover.

I love taking them to new places and watch as they see things they have never seen before. Now, sometimes their enthusiasm isn't as great as mine but I'm growing and it doesn't bother me like it used to.

I really love to watch them learn a new skill. Recently Chase started riding a bicycle and the thrill on his face was worth all the battles we had that day.

Well, last night Seth started swimming. He's taken lessons in the past but it just hadn't started taking. He loves water and getting in the pool but as recently as last week wouldn't put his head under the water. Last night I watched him throw himself into the water and swim a few feet under water. It is so cool to watch them when they finally get "it."

I asked him what made him try swimming under water and he replied, "Well, Daddy, I had been trying to swim on top of the water and it wasn't working so I thought I would try swimming under the water."

So cool...

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