Sunday, October 16, 2005

His Needs

In an earlier post I talked about "Her Needs" from the book titled "His Needs, Her Needs". I listed out the five things a woman needs. Now, here are the 5 things a man needs based on the book by Willard Harley:

1. Sex
2. An attractive spouse
3. Recreational companionship (a playmate)
4. Domestic Support - A solid home
5. Admiration - tell me how great I am.

As a man, I can say this is a very accurate list. But, I'm sure most women's reaction to this list is that it is shallow and superficial. This is why most men won't admit to these being their most important needs because they don't want to be seen as shallow and superficial.

There is a stigma associated with being shallow and superficial but I don't think men need to be ashamed of being men. This is how God created us; visual, physical beings.

Then why the stigma? I blame Oprah. Actually, I blame the whole Oprah, self-help industry. They have made thousands of tv shows and written thousands of books based on the woman's need for romance, communication, sensitivity, etc. and they have placed these as more valuable needs versus those needs of men. You can't blame them because that is their target market. Men aren't watching those shows or buying the books, the woman are.

But, I do believe when society minimize the man's needs because they are "shallow" or "superficial", they are doing men a disservice. We are being how God created us and to try and make us something we aren't isn't fair to anyone.

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