Friday, October 19, 2007

Kids and Guns

I have a 4 year old son and a 2 year old son and I also have guns in my house. I also have loaded guns in my house but do I worry about the boys getting hurt with these guns? No and in fact I worry more about other things hurting them like falling in the bathtub or having an accident on their bikes.

I am constantly educating and reinforcing gun safety with them. Also, since I let them touch and hold the guns while we are doing this education, they aren't curious about them. In fact, now they could really care less when I have one of my guns out unless it is a new one they haven't seen before then they want to see "Daddy's new gun."

I am writing this because I don't have anything else to write and thought I would throw out some controversy but also here is a good article on this topic.

Read the article here.

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