Friday, October 05, 2007

My Deal With Chase

It has been documented several times in my blog and in Shelley's blog that Chase thinks he is older than he actually is. He has told us many times he is 4 but the truth is he just turned 2.

One problem is that most of the sporting activities like t-ball and soccer don't start until the age of 3 and that means Chase won't be old enough until the next fall soccer season. That would force him to go through this soccer season, one more soccer season in the spring and a season of t-ball before he can play and that just won't do.

He dresses up in one of Seth's old soccer uniforms and takes his own ball each Saturday and he is just waiting on Seth's coach to call on his services. During t-ball we have had to bring him off the field kicking and screaming many times.

I don't think I can take it either so I made him a deal. If he is potty trained by the next soccer season, I will go to the Y and see if they will let him sign up as a 2 year old.

We'll see if he keeps up his side of the bargain but since he is already changing his own diaper, I don't see it being a problem...

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