Tuesday, July 19, 2005


When I was growing up and even still today, I was always very cautious, thus I didn't have many accidents growing up. My brother on the other hand was a different story. There was the time he was hit by a car when he was about 9, or the time when he was about 2 or 3 and I put a 1 inch box staple into his forehead, or how about the time he accidentally discharged a handgun in our basement when he 14 or 15.

It is still undetermined yet if Seth is going to be more like me or more like my brother. When Seth was younger he was very cautious so it seemed like he was going to be more like me but lately that trend seems to have shifted a little. Then yesterday he had an accident (don't really want to go into the details in case Child Protective Services is reading this) and while it wasn't too bad it had the potential for a very tragic ending. As I sat last night alone and it starting sinking in how bad it could have been, I just about lost it. Things can change in the blink of an eye.

I am so thankful God protected Seth yesterday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot running through a brick wall while traveling on the Green Maching down the side of a mountain, and being drug behind a soap box racer on my back while my shoes were caught on the back axle. Not to mention all of the things you, Mark, and Joey did TO me for laughs. If Seth turns out like me, Chase will be twice as bad. Pray big brother, pray.