Friday, July 15, 2005

Picture Day

Today we are taking Chase to Kiddie Kandids for his 1 month picture. I'm wondering if it will go better than when we took Seth for his first picture.

The scene is this. We have a brand new mother, a pre-mature baby who doesn't even weigh five pounds and a crowded mall.

Kiddie Kandids was crowded and it was taking a lot longer than we had anticipated. (Who would have thought there would be that many people wanting to get their kids picture taken?). We quickly went through the window of opportunity we had calculated to get this accomplished as Seth was starting to get tired and hungry and Shelley determined that the Staff of Kiddie Kandids weren't doing their jobs properly. I had to practically restrain her from crawling over the counter and going after a couple of the employees.

On a scale of 1 to 10 the stress level had hit 12.

I am sure today will go much better....

UPDATE - We had a great time getting the pictures done and we got some very precious pictures.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

I believe it will. :-)