Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Because of some recent comments I have made on other blogs I suspect I may be getting traffic from people who ordinarily might not make it to my blog. I thought it only fair that they understand I am a Conservative Republican, and besides my beliefs and ideology, here are a few other pieces of evidence.

1. My oldest son's middle name is Reagan.
2. My youngest son's middle name is Walker, and I lovingly call him "dubya."
3. I have an old and faded "W-04" sticker on the back window of my car that has been there at least 3 years.
4. On our first date, after exchanging a few pleasantries, my wife said to me, "I am going to put this on the table right now; I'm a conservative Republican."
5. My oldest son has belonged to the NRA for 2 years now. (He's only 2 and half.)

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