Thursday, May 19, 2005

We are all sinners

A friend of my wife's recently posted on her a blog a story about a Christian or a "Believer" as she put it that made a derogatory comment about her son. She took this as an opportunity to make it an indictment on all Christians and say we are all hypocrites.

First, I think it is important for Christians to remember that we are being watched. Whether they have a warped worldview that they are just trying to justify or maybe they are a seeker looking for direction, they are watching our actions.

Second, words are powerful and the tongue can be very dangerous. The Bible is full of scripture where God warns us about the power of words.

So, there isn't any excuse to say hurtful things whether you are a Christian or not.

But, now I want to speak to the non-believer or the seeker. When someone says they are a Christian, they aren't saying they are better than you, or they live a perfect life or that they are without sin. They are actually saying the opposite; that they know they are flawed, they are a sinner and they are going to make mistakes. But, they have turned their life over to Christ and they recognize that God sent his only son to live a perfect life on Earth and then die on the Cross for your sin and mine.

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