Monday, April 10, 2006

Chase is a Mama's Boy

As Shelley wrote in this post, Chase is a Mama's Boy. define's a Mama's Boy as

A sissy, especially a boy or man excessively attached to his mother

But, don't get me wrong, when I say he is a Mama's boy, I am not saying he is a "sissy". Chase is far from a "sissy" but right now the only thing he needs is his mother and the rest of us are just taking up space.

Chase and I are just not connecting and I'm trying to not let it bother me. I have been through this with Seth but it can be a challenge to my ego.

Yesterday, Shelley had to go to her office for a few hours and from the time the garage door went down for about 90 minutes, Chase cried out for his "Mama". It wasn't a straight 90 minutes, he did take a few breaks but that was just so he could either try and pull something down on himself or something else that might cause some bodily harm. He finally collapsed out of exhaustion. When Shelley finally got home, I don't know who was more exhausted, him or me. I think it was me because he only napped for a short time and was up and ready to go again. Thank goodness Shelley was home.

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