Wednesday, April 26, 2006

T-Ball Practice

Tonight was our first t-ball practice and Seth did great. But, despite my repeated promise that I wasn't going to get involved, practice had barely started and I found myself out on the field helping out the little guys. I think I am going to volunteer to be an assisted coach against my better judgment but nobody else seems to be willing to help.

I'm looking forward to this and I hope Seth enjoys it. There were times when he wanted to go play in the park across from the field but he stuck it out. This is the first organized sporting event he has participated in so the structure is a little different for him. But, he is already learning and he loves to talk about being a "baseball player".

Just pray that I don't get to "enthusiastic" and ruin the experience for all of us.

1 comment:

Jeremy@Life of an Ant said...

I remember my parents putting me in the YMCA T-Ball league. I have a picture still of my missing front tooth, a hat way too big for my had and a big grin on my face. I can only image it is a cute sight to see your boy wearing a uniform holding a glove in the outfield picking dandylions. At least, that's what I did. Never knew where outfield was. =)