Monday, August 07, 2006

Runners World Turns 40

Today I was going back to work after getting my beloved Diet Coke from my favorite place, QT, when my cell phone rang. It was my good friend Paul.

Me - Hey
Paul - I was just in the store and saw that Runners World is celebrating its 40th anniversary.

Me thinking, "yes, kind of odd reason to call, though"

Me - Yes, I got my subscription in the mail last week and saw that.
Paul - Runners World is turning 40 and you are turning 40.

Me thinking again, "thanks for that reminder."

Me - Hmm, I didn't really make that connection when I saw that Runners World started the same year I was born.

Paul - And the same month.

Me thinking again, "thanks again for reminding me that my birthday is this month."

Me - Didn't really think of that.
Paul - You are in denial.
Me - Good bye

Note to self, don't answer Paul's calls any more.

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