Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Swimming Lessons Year 2

Last night Seth began his second year of swimming lessons. You can read about the first day of swimming lessons last year here. This year was a lot different from last year for a lot of reasons.

First, last year we went through the City of Euless and this year we are using the YMCA. Seth doesn't like change so I started preparing him by telling him that this year we would be at a different pool and he would have a different instructor. But, I would still be in the pool (so I thought) with him and everything would be ok.

Last year with the City of Euless the parents actually were in the pool with the children helping the instructor. Well, as we were waiting for the lesson to start at the YMCA, I noticed none of the parents had their swimsuits on. "Uh oh" I thought. "Things must be different here".

So I began trying to prepare Seth by telling him there might be a chance I won't be in the water with him. "I want to go home" was his response. "This is not going to go well." I thought.

Sure enough, the instructor called the children to the steps of the pool and the parents were not invited. But I was pleasantly surprised that Seth just walked into the pool with no questions asked. But, I was the only parent to sit poolside, though, but it really worked out for the best.

There are only five kids in the class and they sit on the steps as the instructor takes each student out and works with them. Seth did really well when she was asking him to do something he had already done but if it was something new, it always took a little coaxing. I just love our little cautious boy.

This program isn't as "kid friendly" as the City of Euless. The instructor didn't tell the kids her name and she didn't get their names but I was quick to tell her Seth's so she could call him by name. Also, they don't get stickers after each lesson either. But, there might be the possiblity that Seth will learn more with this program because he did really well.

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