Monday, November 07, 2005

Trash Day

After Shelley and I had our first child we realized we were different from most of our neighbors. Now, I'm not talking about some of the obvious differences but we were different when it came to trash day. Since they didn't have a baby which is just a trash producing machine they just had one or two bags of trash on their curb, while I was lugging arm loads of bags out to the curb.

When one of our neighbors had their first child, Shelley and I waited anxiously for that first trash day. Yes, vindication! Their one bag that was always just half full had multiplied to four, all just by the addition of a 17 inch, 7 pound baby.

Well, today when I went to take the trash out, I was stopped in my tracks as I bent down to gather up the bags to take to the curb. There were just two bags, yes, only two bags. I paused to figure this out and then I remembered, I was home the last 3 days by myself.

Our trash producing machines had been in Oklahoma doing their work.

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