Sunday, January 01, 2006

Word Count

Today was the first day in my effort to write a novel in 30 days. My word count goal for the day was 1,667 words and I am at 2,758. Don't be too impressed because I am trying to pack in as many words over the holiday weekend and it was hard getting to 2,758 today. I didn't realize it would be that hard to write 1,667 words in a day and it is going to be a long month. I don't know where the remaining 47,242 words are going to come from.


Anonymous said...

Don't look at or think about the remaining words. I made a chart with the date and the goal for that day, and that's all I look at. (Believe me, that can get hairy enough.) Paul's words of wisdom: "Keep writing. Don't stop." Someone asked him recently what the key was to staying married so long. He said, "Don't get divorced."

Lori said...

Hey I think that is great....Good Luck!!!!

Have a great day!!!!

Leslie said...

Have you ever tried the DFW Writers Workshop? They meet in Bedford every Wednesday at 7 or 7:30. Anyway, they are at

Jeff Dowdle said...

Thanks, I will check them out.
