Thursday, October 26, 2006

A Couple of Stories About the Boys

Story 1
Shelley is pretty low maintenance, generally preferring function over form. When Seth was born she realized carrying a purse and a diaper bag didn't make much sense so she found a child sized backpack that worked well as a diaper bag as well as a purse. Overtime I think she eventually gave away all of her purses. Well, last week she had to attend a funeral so I think she felt it would be more appropriate to carry a purse versus Chase's Texas Rangers backpack so she went out and bought a new purse.

This last weekend we went out to dinner and Chase has gotten to the point where we don't have to pack up the whole house just to check the mail so we didn't take his backpack and Shelley grabbed her new purse. When we got out of the car, Seth stopped in his tracks, stared at this strange object in his mother's hand and questioned, "Mommy, what is that?" In his long three and half years of life he had never seen his mother carry a purse.

Story 2
Last night was one of those nights that had Shelley and I questioning our decision to become parents. The boys were just a little rambunctious to say the least. One thing we have learned about Chase is that he is a very determined little boy who doesn't have any quit in him.

Well, last night he was sitting on the ottoman and somehow fell off and hit his head on the end table. After a few minutes of tears and Shelley rocking him, he got down and immediately headed back for the ottoman. Up he crawled and before we could do anything he fell off again, and again hit his head on the end table. Once again, several minutes of crying and rocking and down he got. He was not about to let this thing beat him so right back to the ottoman he headed and again off he went. This was the most violent fall because for some reason he actually chose to jump this time.

We were trying to prevent this but last night Shelley and I found ourselves overmatched by the three year old and the one year old.

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