Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Yesterday Seth made some poor choices and this resulted in Shelley handing down the punishment of "No TV". When she emailed this to me my first thought was "Does that include me?" When I got home I half expected that she had capitulated and the TV would be on but to my chagrin it wasn't on and she was sticking to her guns. While I knew if I watched something, it would still serve the same purpose of "No TV" for Seth because he has no interest in The History Channel but I decided to be the adult and follow through with the punishment 100%.

Shelley went to get her hair done so it was just the three of us and I had the initial thought wondering what we would do without the diversion of the TV. But, if you ignore the 20 minute period where Seth peed in both bath tubs, Chase played in the toilet, Seth colored on the carpet and my head spun around 3 times, we had a great time.

I think we might institute a "No TV night" every week.

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