Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A Fall To Grace

In the recent Relevant Magazine newsletter, Ed Young comments on the Ted Haggard scandal. You can read the article here but there are a couple of statments I want to reference.

While we talk a lot about God's inexhaustible grace and unconditional love, when it comes right down to it, we still believe that grace is exhaustible. We know that we owe our salvation to Christ's grace-giving work on the cross. But it doesn't take long before we trade in that boundless grace for the boundaries of the law.

In biblical terms, a fall from grace is not the sinner saved by grace who is caught in moral failure. That is a fall to grace. A fall from grace is the self-righteous person who tries to earn his or her salvation through the guise of moral living, declaring that Christ's work on the cross was unnecessary—at least for them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! That is powerful. Well said Ed!