Sunday, January 07, 2007

21 Day Fast

Shelley and I are starting on a 21 Day Daniel Fast along with our church. A Daniel Fast is one that is basically water, fruits, vegatables and nuts. Things that are not allowed are all meat, poultry, fish, dairy, sugars, caffeine, bread, fried foods and carbonate drinks.

The first day is water only so right now we are both very hungry. Tomorrow we will be able to start eating but again only fruits and vegetables.

The food part won't be too difficult for me, it will be going without Diet Coke for 3 weeks.

If you want to know why we are fasting, go here.

Pray for us.


mikijo said...

Hi Jeff,

I stumbled onto your blog after a google search on Fellowship Church. My husband and I started Fellowship Church around October 2006 (we have a home church that we have attended for years but we started attending FC because we really like the sermons). Anyway, we are doing the 21 Day Fast as well and your comment on the Diet Coke cracked me up. It's the exact same thing that will be difficult for me to give up during the 21 days :-).


Jeff Dowdle said...

Good luck on your fast and Godbless.
