Thursday, February 01, 2007


Our church offers a variety of Bible studies that can last anywhere from 4 weeks to 16 weeks and be on a variety of topics. Shelley and I have take many of these over the last 9 years and we have never been disappointed. So, when Shelley asked me if I wanted to take one of the classes that started this week, I said "sure."

Our decision process as to what class to take involved factors such as day of the week the class is being held and who would be teaching. We didn't really pay attention to the topic except just eliminating the ones we had already taken.

We found a class on a night that was good for us and was being taught by a Pastor we really liked so we signed up. As the Pastor started teaching and he uttered the word "evangelism", my heart sank. "Oh no, not evangelism, anything but evangelism" I thought.

By the end of the class I was glad we were there. The pastors teaching the class talked about their own failures at evangelism but the most important thing they left me with was that conversion isn't my responsibility. Wow, I always thought it was but now they are telling me that my responsibility is just to spread the word. I never heard it presented this way.

Now, I am looking forward to this class...

1 comment:

mommyofangels said...

Definately. Your job is to introduce a person to Jesus. Then you step back and let the holy sprirt take over. You are a seed-sower. If you sow the seed, someone else will come along and water it, and then someone else. Then the person will one day accept Christ.