Monday, February 05, 2007

Looking for a job

As many people know I am currently looking for a job because in the next few months my job is going to be eliminated because of some "corporate restructuring." It is actually called the "IT Transformation Project" but I like to call it "Jeff is losing his job project."

There aren't many things I hate worse than looking for a job. I would rather be back in high school trying to find a date for Prom. At least the rejection saved me money instead of having the prospect of bankruptcy. Bankruptcy isn't a realistic consequence but you get the point.

The stress and anxiety is starting to increase and this is mainly because of the lack of response or success I have had to date. I know God is in control and he has a plan, I just might not understand his plan or his time line.

But, the thing I find interesting is that I am stressed out because of the lack of success I have had but the ironic thing is that I haven't really applied for any job that I wanted. So, why I am stressed out about not getting a job I didn't want in the first place?

I just want to know what the future holds, don't you?


mommyofangels said...

God does have a plan for you. He will give you that "perfect" job. So why are you even applying for jobs you don't like. Don't settle.
"Prepare for rain".

amyerj said...

I'd go to the Prom with you anytime.

Also... one of my favorite coffee mugs of all times: Don't let the bastards get you down. It's been my mantra for a few weeks. =)