Thursday, February 08, 2007

Giuliani No Friend to Gun Owners

I haven't had a political post in a few weeks so I thought it was about time. I found a good article from The National Shooting Sports Foundation ( on Rudi Giuliani's record on guns and how he is now trying to camouflage that record as he tries to win the Republican Presidential nomination.

- In June of 2000, Giuliani become the lone Republican mayor to sue members of the firearms industry.
- Giuliani strongly opposed legislation blocking suits like the one he filed against members of the firearms industry. In 2005, with strong bipartisan support, President Bush signed legislation in law that barred such lawsuits.
- He has flipped-flopped on whether he continues his longstanding support for restoring the Clinton-era federal ban on some semi-automatic rifles.

Watch out for Rudi, he may be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Read the article here.


amyerj said...

Of course, the only Republican I would vote for and you don't like him.

I'm guessing you don't like him for all the same reasons I do.

What an odd little friendship we have. =)

Jana said...

I would call him a sheep in wolf's clothing, actually, but I get your point.

You're old enough to know how this works though. Each candidate has to play to their own party's base to get the nomination, and then suddenly and amazingly they have to become a "centrist" or "moderate" to reach the undecided middle-of-the-roaders in the general election. We'll see it on both sides.