Saturday, May 19, 2007

Serious Dad

At Seth's first t-ball game Shelley had a run in with "Serious Dad." He made sure to point out that Chase, the not yet 2 year old, had his glove on his wrong hand. Since then I have had "Serious Dad" on my radar.

The first thing I have noticed is that he is "serious." After 2 practices and 2 games, I have yet to see him smile. Second, despite coming equipped with all the gear and having it stored nicely in a bat bag, his son isn't as "serious" as him.

But, today he moved into a new category for me. Today was picture day and when they took the individual picture, each player posed with a bat on their shoulder. Well, Seth, "serious dad's" kid, and one other were the last 3 boys to get their picture taken and the only bat left besides Seth's was a pink girl's bat. So, after Seth had his picture taken, the other boy's father asked if he could borrow Seth's bat so his kid wouldn't have to have his picture taken with a pink bat. After he was finished he returned the bat to me and then is when "serious dad's" kid took his position to get his picture taken.

The photographer asked if they could borrow Seth's bat one more time so I handed it over to "serious dad." Did I get a thank you? Nope. Then after they finished taken the picture, "serious dad" took the bat from his son and just threw it on the ground.

"Serious Dad" has now become "Jerk Dad."

1 comment:

Idaho Dad said...

Serious Dad = Jerk Dad

Yeah, they always are. I feel sorry for their kids... Nothing the kids do will ever be good enough.