Friday, December 30, 2005

Just me and The Boys

A few days ago I worked from home and watched the boys while Shelley went to her office for a meeting. Things were going fine for the first thirty minutes and then...

Just moments before I was going to ask Seth if he needed to go potty, he got this stunned look on his face and then his sweats got drenched in pee. Not only did he pee he also pooped his pants so I swept him up and ran to the bathroom to clean him up and change his clothes.

At this exact moment Chase started acting fussy. I figured he was needing something to eat so I finished cleaning up Seth, threw the clothes in the washer, read him a quick story and tucked him in for his nap.

I then ran to Chase, scooped him up to take him to the kitchen to make a bottle but to my surprise I pulled back a hand full of poop. His diaper had overflowed all the way up to the mid-part of his back and now I had a handful of poop.

Now, I can handle a lot of things but poop and blood are two things I can't handled especially if its not mine. So, I screamed like a little girl, fought back my gag reflex and raced him to the other bathroom to wash my hands (yes, that was my priority) and then clean him up.

My jeans fell victim to this as well as the carpet and a few towels.

So, within thirty minutes of Shelley being gone, both boys had pooped themselves, we had all changed clothes and the washer was working overtime. But, we didn't have to make any runs to the emergency room and when Shelley returned she still had two little boys and a husband so I consider it a successful time of watching the boys.

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