Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Barry Bonds

I first want to be very upfront with the fact that I have never liked Barry Bonds. He just seems like a very unfriendly, spoiled professional athlete and the thought of him breaking Hank Aaron's all time home run record has always annoyed me.

Then as it became more evident that he may have done steroids, I have really been irritated that he may hold one of the most prestigious baseball records. Now, excerts from a new book called "Game of Shadows" are telling a story of a human chemistry lab. It states he was taking Winstrol, Deca-Durabolin, Insulin, Testosterone decanoate, Human growth hormones, Norbolethone, Trenbolone, and Clomid. I don't believe Major League Baseball should let Bonds play another game and I would support a life time ban like they gave Pete Rose. If it takes an investigation similar to what produced the Dowd Report that outline Pete Rose's gambling activities then I believe baseball needs to do that.

If baseball even lets Barry Bond's buy an admission ticket to the Hall of Fame much less vote him in as a member, then it will be the biggest stain on baseball history.

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