Monday, March 06, 2006

The Joys of Fatherhood #21

Our house is full of activity these days because Chase is everywhere. Gone are the days of placing him on a blanket and him staying there. Now, he is pulling up, crawling over, crawling under and last night I swear he almost stood up on his own. He is also extremely strong (almost a brute) and nothing seems to stop him. And his top two teeth have busted through so it won't be long before we are going through the drive thru to get chicken nuggets.

I'm trying to take in all these little moments but they are going by so fast.

Also, this weekend Seth threw a birthday party for me. It wasn't my birthday but that didn't matter to him. It was complete with cake and him singing happy birthday to me. But, the best part was the collection of original songs he entertained us with. He must have done at least 10 songs for us and at one point had to run out and write a new one.

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