Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Cleaning out my desk

The last few days I have been cleaning out my desk at work and it has been a struggle. First, when you have been somewhere almost 12 years, you accumulate a lot of junk. Also, I have a lot of stuff I haven't looked in some cases 10+ years. Now, at the time, I knew "I might need this some day." but obviously I didn't but don't you have a sense of comfort knowing "it's there if you need it."

As I go through each of these items I still find myself thinking "I might need this." But, the practical side says, "You haven't needed it in the last five years, why would you need it now?" But, it is like giving up a safety blanket of information that you have accumulated over the years.

When I survey what I am taking with me I keep thinking "this is it?" If I don't count the pictures of my kids, some various books, and my collection of Hot Wheels cars, there is maybe only 1 box of stuff. How will I get by without my stuff?

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