Thursday, April 12, 2007

Firearm accidents are very low

The National Safety Councils released its 2007 Injury Facts report and firearm accidents are very low in comparison to other accidents.

In 2005, out of 109,000 unintentional fatalities, firearms accounted for 730. This is in comparison to 44,757 motor vehicle accidents, 19,000 poisonings and 17,000 due to falls.

Out of those 109,000 unintentional fatalities, 5,280 were among children under the age of 14. Firearms accounted for 56 of these deaths in comparison to 2,408 motor vehicle accidents and 782 drownings.

It could be argued that having a pool is 14 times more dangerous than having a firearm in the home.

I know these statistics will never make it to the main stream media and they will continue to report every unfortunate child death because of gun as if it is at epidemic proportions.

1 comment:

Jeremy@Life of an Ant said...

Hum, guess I won't get a pool. I like guns and will raise my kids to respect them. That's what my parents did and their parents. I think a large portion of those fatalities with guns due to children under 14 is that they are not taught to respect them. Just my humble opinion.