Friday, April 13, 2007

My Last Day

Today is my last day at the job I have had for almost 12 years. Today is going to be an emotional day for me.

Since I have had this job I have (in chronological order) built a new house, gotten divorced, moved into an apartment, started dating Shelley, married Shelley, moved into a rent house, bought a new house, Seth was born and then Chase was born. The only constant has been this job.

I am not going to miss this job because it has become a beating. But, I am going to miss the people.

I have worked with some of the best people and I will really miss them.

I am a horrible person at keeping in touch but I don't want to lose touch with many of them so I hope between email, instant messaging and cell phones we won't lose touch. There really isn't an excuse these days is there?

1 comment:

mommyofangels said...

No there is not.